The time here (EST)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The best pictures of me yet (to my knowledge)

I absolutely love these pictures!


Here's the story why....
Ok so my Dad went away for 3 day this week and I was left to the dogs and the house, and my mom. I had to feed the dogs (and Mom) and clean up a bit. Well my parents obviously didn't know that I would be so good and I think they thought I would screw up something (that made me fell very trusted...) but they were so proud and maybe now trust me a lot more? So they got me an AMAZING VIDEO CAMERA!!! But sadly, that AMAZING VIDEO CAMERA didn't work, so we went back to the store and got my favorite video camera of all time, the flip mino. And you can't have a video camera and now have your own youtube account! So that's why I just got one :).
If you're wondering about the whyjimmywhy name, it's because jimmy crack corn and I don't care is our friends favorite joke, and crack corn is the name we gave to tootsies (the different color tootsie rolls). I'm soon going to take a video of my dad (Jim, see how that worked out?) breaking some corn in half, since corn season is coming! (look at that, it's like I was meant for this name!).
Oh and sorry I haven't been on for a while, I've been obsessing over hamsters and I've been putting my life back together ever since the best site in the world confirmed they were closing, R.I.P fanlib, YOU SUCK FOR CLOSING FOR NO REASON JERKS!!!!
Yeah, didn't want to make you think I just left you! Ok, that's all, OFF TO UPLOAD MY VIRST VIDEO!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Well, I've heard that July 16th needs reconized on this blog. I'd like to say HAPPY 21ST STEVEN! DON'T PARTY TOO MUCH! MY MOM STILL NEEDS YOU TO WORK :)! Well that's all, aparently he's been txting my mom to make me put this post up.
Oh my, new baby borrowers on PRETEENS! they keep saying that these kids think they know everything, YEAH THEY DO paraents are horrible with kids that age, just need to let them go, seriously! (But I can't wait to see that devil child though)

Monday, July 14, 2008


Ok, so I went on this morning to see I had a comment OTHER THAN AL! It was Sarah (who is aparently obsessed with the uglies?) another one of my mom's friends (lovingly called 'F'). And she has announced it to the world, my name is Arend. CRAP IT'S STILL MISSPELLED ON HERE! Yeah, so now you know, no big deal, I don't think you can really find me with my first name that millions of people in Germany have! So yeah, that's my name, and Sarah has provided you with hers and the person's I mentioned before's name! (their in the comments under the post right before this)
Anywho, Stephen (the other person) is going away to some country that starts with an A? I forget, and he will be checking up on this blog for news from back here! That's what me mommy (yes mommy) say anyway. So Stephen, I hope you are safe and have fun on your trip!
That's all for now, just wanted everything cleared up! V-ron out.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Oh the woes of Blogging

I have so much to write to you but I don't think I should write half of it! Oh well....
Looks like that site I made doesn't even get and traffic except for me always checking for comments! I also realized it doesn't come up in a Google search :(. Anyway, it seems I have a new reader! My mom says her coworker will now be reading this or something cus he's going out of the country or state or something? OR SOMETHING! I just realized i said that twice in the same sentence...sorry that was weird. So readers, if there are any other then al, please, make yourself known!
that's pretty much it, I haven't been really updating because I have become obsessed with Roller coaster tycoon...I'm such a loser... well I'll try to stop playing it to talk to you people.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


I HAVE PHOTOSHOP!!! You don't know how OVERJOYED I am about this! I've been waiting forever for it and somehow it just appeared in out CD drawer while I was looking for a game! I wish I knew how to draw, that would be helpful, but anywho, that's all I have to say! I LOVE IT!!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

EEE IT'S A MOUSE-LIKE VIRUS! *jumps up on chair*

Well, well, well, looks like I just saved myself a lot of headaches by not downloading IMVU! THANKS GOOGLE! Yeah, I heard it's horrible, makes your comp. slow, installs spyware without your knowledge, and is a crappy virus! CAN WE TRUST NOTHING ANYMORE!! I miss VMK, it might have been gay and the home of banning and crashing, but at least it had no VIRUSES!!! Maybe Obama will help?


What do I think I'm doing?

Last night, or maybe it must have been this morning, I made a new blog called I Am Not Sin. I have no idea where I'm going with this...but I do know that I had dreams of this becoming a huge never will! Maybe if I add ad revenue to it... I don't know! Dear God, what have I lead myself into? I hope for this to be so big I at least get on my local news, or something like that. Who knows, maybe you will be seeing my face on T.V in the far away future (not likely)!

What it's like to be stalked...for 2 years...without knowing

Ok, so the twins (my friends) just got back from their second camp this year, bearing interesting, very very interesting news. Apparently my ex-boyfriend of 2 years is still stalking/obsessing over me! Maybe this gives you a clue to why I broke up with him. He was a major...well...freak (and a month after breaking up I had a problem with phone bills...long distance phone bills) he had his friend, drop a note, and just say 'Oh look, it's a note! I wonder what it says?' Which of coarse is my clue to pick it up. DINGDINGDING BAD IDEA!! Lets just say it ended every abruptly. Well now I hear that he was at the camp I was supposed to go to (OK I am praising God and my Mom on this one THANK THE LORD IN HEAVEN FOR SAVING MY BUT FROM MY CRAZY EX!) So now I am waiting for that email, because it all started with the email I unknowingly sent the twins, aparently Roby (the ex) read it three times. THANK GOD IT RAINED ON THE 4TH we were planning on high tailing it up to the Jumonville cross to see everyone. Maybe God really is watching me verrrryyyy closeellyyyy, which I thank him for once again'.
Well receiving the news was weird, I was txting one of the twins and he asks if I know a -insert roby's real name here-? And it ends up I do, and I dated him. And he tells me of how roby was obsessed with me during camp, which is why I'm up late now. This kid has been stalking me. I think he may have gone to the camp I was going to go to because he saw pictures of me there last year...this scares me, does this mean he could be reading this entry right now? KREEPY!! But here's what I have to say to him if he is: Roby, your a freak, why would you stalk someone who broke up with you 2 years ago, why would you read a letter I sent to someone else 5 times? There's a reason I broke up with you. NOW LEAVE ME THE HECK ALONE!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Not cool my friends, not cool.

I am not a sin.
I want you to repeat this into your blog, I'm tagging Al and profligatetale13

The truth about asking a girl out...

I'm sick of guy never asking a girl out because they are afraid of being rejected. Here's the skinny, more than 90% of the time she will not laugh at you, she will not say no! But you have to play in your league, thats why they made leagues! It's only in the movies that ugly nerds gets the beautiful girls, not gonna happen, unless you know, the girl is in your league....whatever.
Well heres the truth about girls.
1) They notice if you like them, we aren't retarded
2) If you follow the dating rules we WILL say yes!
3) We will move on if you don't make a move
4) we are waiting for you to start it, most of us aren't going to ask a guy out by ourselves, unless we are totally positive
5) If we look at you a lot, and shyly look down when you notice (after a second), we probably like you
6) Don't ask us out when we are around friends, one because we want to tell the story ourselves, two, they will probably laugh at us or make 'woo woo' sounds
7) We (well I) find it cute when your friends hint to us that you like us
8) We don't want you to act all tough guy to impress us, it's not that cool...
9) Don't ever 'pretend fight' around us, we find that childish and queer, no matter what age

Now I hope some of these help, and guys JUST ASK US OUT, don't be weenies :)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

It's 12:00 somewhere

Yes, I'm awake, at 11:50, was thinking too much, and guess what, I did something useful! I now upload videos from youtube onto my iPod! USE THIS SITE! OR ELSE!! Keepvid
Ok that's all...night!

Talk to me