So I went over to my little cousins today for her birthday party/memorial day party I guess you could call it. Oh wait thats not the news though. So she just turned 5 and shes like a normal kid, has little Cd's about behavior and crap and wouldn't you know, a song about 'big girls don't cry' (no not the fergie version, the weird old people sing to kids version) and I got mad. No I am known for my strong views (ok maybe not) on some simple things like this. Well heres my first thoughts. 'WHY WOULD THEY TEACH LITTLE KIDS THAT IT'S NEVER OK TO CRY!' Then I thought, 'Well I guess that's good because you know little kids cry quite literately at the drop of a hat!'. But now that I can think about it without the noise of older people talking too loud, that annoying song in the background, and the hypnotizing swing I was on, I think 'wow this really isn't a cool message!' I mean, it would be ok if they had somehow twisted the lyrics so that it said something like 'its ok to cry when you mean it?' I don't know but something there just struck a cord. Not that I would ever cry in public unless it was completely necessary! But I don't want my little cousin to grow up thinking crying is wrong. The hardest part was hearing my aunt saying that ling to her 'Big girls don't cry *insert my little cousins name here*' I guess I'm just hard headed and think too much...but I care
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