The time here (EST)

Friday, June 27, 2008

Me Playing with my Camera

Here are the consiquesnses of being bored with a camera, horrible pictures :)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sweeney Todd - Epiphany

Sweeney Todd - Green Finch and Linnet Bird

Sweeney Todd - A Little Priest

Just remember, there's nothing to forget

How can I be the marionette
nimble, agile, controlled only by you
you move me
posses me
I am your puppet
i obey your every will
the stings untangle
I dance for you
once you have had enough of me
all you do is wrap me up

You got your wish
I am your puppet
you have possessed my soul

I didn't fail, the rules were written wrong

Wheres that handbook
God hide the gun
Come on we haven't all day
just come and run!
Put down the book
turn off that sound
come with me to the hiding
and mind where you plant your feet
dreams lay scattered,
hopes strewn about
they must be covered in dust by now
oh but who cares about them anymore?
You can leave your own if you wish
we are soon t be swimming
in these lost dreams
broken hopes
and the tears that have come with them.
I'll hold your hand,
as you throw them all away
I'll carry you back up
if your legs make you fall.
Seeing this can make you sick
It can only be rightly viewed through hardened eyes
So turn your heart to stone
you soon shall keep watch with me
we will let the hopeless rest
and make sure that not one hoe
not one dream
gets freed

Loathing, unadaulterated loathing.

Dearest (insert word that can convey hate here),
Your rude slurs to us on your website aren't maddening, their childish. You thrive on thinking that someone will actually agree with you, but guess what, no one would ever agree with you if they knew the cold hard truth that you refuse to believe.
You threw a party, I though I could come, it turned out, I couldn't. Now others will say ok, but you YOU, ended up yelling at me, having my friends yell at me, taking me down a darn (my parents don't appreciate swearing) guilt trip, and I still went to MY party. From then on you acted as if I had committed a sin (oh wait you put down any kind of religious belief and even the mention of God makes you go on a crazy, atheist rant, which I accept your like that, but accept that we all know God is real!) and pretty much complained (for lack of a better term) about it to everyone who would listen. I heard that everyone had a horrible time at your party, you made one of your best friends your enemy there too. Now pardon my French but it's in what I believe correct context here, God damned that party to my understanding. And on your website that's all you would talk about! All summer I hated you and only sent evil feelings toward you, you ruined what could have been an awesome summer. But every time I did this I heard 'She doesn't hate you!' TO HECK YOU DIDN'T!! For some retarded, young me reason, I believed that and tried to get on good terms with you for some reason. All you tried to do was change me! You said you hated my personality and that everyone else did too. I tried to change for you I WAS RETARDED! The hardest part was when I told my friend, she agreed with you, I am trying to forget about her doing that, but I will never forgive you for it. When I said I don't want to change, I would never change for you, all you said was fine you know, I don't really like you now, I'm not being your friend. I would have killed you right then if I had been who I am now! My friend had said she was sorry, or something like that, I forget, that she had ever tried and I think that was when we both started hating you, I can't speak for her, I don't remember that well, but I know I would never forgive you after that. You lost all your friends that summer, you will never get them back, and you don't see how it could have ever been your fault and still to this day say on your site that the person who trusted you and who you trusted for years, was horrible. She sent me a letter about that at camp. It personally hurt me that you would say that to her, she's one of my best friends.
Now this year you try to be all 'I know you more than you know you' to me. I was forced to sit with you at lunch, and all the other people there. You are evil to them, I don't know why they stay with you. And whenever I said I hate one on them or you you would just say, 'Oh she says that to everyone, it doesn't mean anything!'. You know what, I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it unless I was joking with a real friend! You said I would never hurt a fly, you said I loved everyone, you said so much, none of it was true. I think you didn't realize, as much as I tried not to, that summer changed me, or something did. I'm not that freak you knew, that 'everyone hated', I'm better than that now! But you refuse to think that I could change! You even somehow got my best friend, one that I have known forever, and who is one of the toughest people I know, she would always complain about you, to the point where it would be the same things everyday. I don't know why she still hangs out with you, you would wait for her at your locker and harass me while you waited, I don't think she was the one person she wanted to see first thing in the morning either.
I look back on this and it makes me sick that you act this way and try to be the victim. You know your website is pretty much full of lies. I hate that there are people commenting on it that are on your side. I can't help but think if you had a religion you wouldn't be this way, but I have the felling you still would. I hate that even a year later you still have me so mad that I can end up writing this just because I saw something that made me think you wrote it. I pray that someday you read it, I pray that you will somehow see this is all right, and I pray you get madder than you ever been and cry over it, just so you know what it was like for me. But I don't feel like I care what you do after getting this all out, because I know the truth, and you are living in a lie, a sad lie, and at least I'm living in a sad TRUTH.
The one who got away,
Veronica Amy Greene

All that procrastination and no one to share it with

Yes I am the queen of procrastination. Now that's out of the way...I was compelled to talk to you. I don't know why, or what about, but I have to. I tried to put a video up on youtube but they told me it was too long :( since when is 14 minutes long? You know what, this is stupid! I should be writing my millions of chapters for my millions of stories I start and never finish! I should be putting on going out clothes! I should not be just sitting here talking to no one that I want to talk to right now (like the world, the only people who will probably ever read this crap are my friends and maybe my parents)! Procrastination should have been on that test I took to see if I was going to heaven or hell (it said I was going to hell, now I'm scared!) So I guess this was a waste of everyones time. Or maybe it will show you the evils of procrastination. Procrastination sure has ruined my life!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Messing with paint...the crappy kind

Yeah this is what happens when you have too much time on your hands and only have the crappy kind of Microsoft paint! (this was right when I learned how to take screen shots....)


It's amazing! I love not have braces so much! My teeth are so smooth, I never noticed! And it didn't hurt except a little when they pulled the rings off and on a few teeth they pulled brackets off of! Oh and no clean spots! I mean my teeth look like they never had braces! (except they are perfectly straight =5) But they put a stupid bottom retainer on, it's so frekin annoying! For those of you who are thinking that it's exactly like a top retainer it's not, and that would require cutting my tung out! No, it's just a little wire attacked to like the front four of my bottom teeth, it's giving me a small lisp already, bleh! But I fell so good to have them off!! And that's all I have to say about that.
Note: I was going to put a before picture, but I couldn't find a single one of me smiling! What does that say about braces?

Monday, June 23, 2008

I'm back!

Yep I got back from camp actually 2 days ago...but I've been very very busy.... I mean you know, had a bunch of kids and older people parties yesterday and the first day I had to fix my life up and well....yeah. Camp was super amazing! My old friends from camp last year were there, which was friggen lucky! I was supposed to go to a different camp with them like next week but MOM didn't sign up fast enough and it was filled. I was amazed they were actually there (Toby! God watches over us!) So much happened I could not even start to explain! Why don't I give you a link to all the pictures, so you can just see (the two boys that look alike that are in pictures with me the most are the twins, my friends!) Here they are! (there were 39 kids here, can you say CONFUSING!!??)
Well in one hour from now I will no longer be one of my friends with braces! I will leave this part of my life behind HECK YEAH!!! You don't know how exciting this is until you experience it yourself! 2 years, endless pain, hours spent getting crap unstuck from the stupid brackets, have all led up to this! I will be free! And right after I will be going over to my friends house to watch Dracula and show off my teeth. The only thing I'm worried about is the stains...I mean 2 years more dirt then I had before, I have a feeling I will have bracket shaped clean spots....
Well I must get into my clothes for going into the public ONLY TO RETURN TO YOU A NEW PERSON!!!


I took the celebrity test and I am:
Celebrity Quiz
Celebrity Quiz by Funny Quizzes!
MySpace Quizzes | Stupid Test | Fun Quizes.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Yes, yes, it is father's day already. AND i GOT DADDY CONVERSES (just like I got mom converses for mothers day :) I just wanted to say on my blog: I love you Dad, thanks for giving us an awesome backyard! (what a pretty picture that is down there! From our trip to Utah!)


That right, I'm going to Jumonville this week!! MEGA ADVENTURE CAMP HERE I COME!!! SO I won't post anything, thats why, no electronics at all at camp, gay rule I know... This will be the 3rd time I go and I'm so sad that I am not going to Three C's like last year...I PROMISED I WOULD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well, I still can't wait! That's why I gotta go pack! SEE YOU NEXT WEEK!! (oh and I'm getting my braces off when I come back WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

You want to know the truth,well here it is!

Well on fanlib theres this thing where everyone asks everyone if something is true or not. Well I feel like answering some and some more!
1) Q: Do you really care about the starving children in Africa?
A: No, not at all.
2) Q:
Have you ever broken the law?
A: No. At least I don't think I have...
3) Q:
Is it necessary to obey every law.
A: To my understanding, no it's not, and no one obeys every single one!
4) Q:
Have you ever done something so stupid that it permanently ruined your reputation?
A: Yes, yes I have...(I'm not going to tell you!)
5) Q:
Have you ever performed on a stage (dancing, singing, acting, etc.)?
A: Yeah, all three of those actually....
6) Q:
Do you personally know a member on fanlib
A: HECK YEAH I DO!! (luv ya al!)
7) Q:
Do you lie about your age on the Internet?
A: Most of the time, yes.
8) Q:
Do you lie about your weight?
A: Yeah but only by a few pounds (the truth is, I'm 110lb and I HATE it!![I usually say I'm 105])
9) Q:
Do you lie to your friends?
A: Depends.... there are many forms of this, but I don't think I lie all too much, maybe white lies? Always to protect them.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Hey I got bored

This is the worst video you will ever ever see, it's on Google video right now.... sorry about the water mark *makes scared face* Sorry about the end, sorry about you having to endure the pain of watching this video, I'm just sorry....

Let's talk about feelings...

Bet that scared you! Well It shouldn't of, here read this and breathe slowly into the brown paper bag you just pulled out!
You ever felt like, what the crap, why am I not writing everything that I can? Or 'why am I not writing inspirational crap? If you know this felling, you know why I dread being left to fend for myself on a computer, bored, and mad. Maybe I just have an extreme form of writing block...or maybe I just horribly suck at writing... All I can think is that, thank god I'll be gone all next week to camp and I refuse to write crap on paper, the words come out too slow and my mind works to fast, no, no, no it's keyboard all the way for this girl! Maybe I could post something moving right now.... hmmmm....
My idea of moving:
It's not going to be ok.
You wont be saved.
But you will still remain.
now go and find the best work I have made, this is a dare, and you better take it.
Umm....yeah, not the best thing I have ever written, you would have to be a super sleuth to find the best stuff I have written! Go ahead I dare you, here's my fanlib profile, now go find the best work I have ever made, this is a dare, and you better take it.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Our Library

Well I'm on a library computer , next to my friend, lets call her al. The comp.s here suck pretty much, their like 500000000 year old macs, oh and al's comp.s mouse is sticky, kinda gross... She making her own post now, sarcasm galor! I guess by the by our library is ok. I mean it has 50 comps. (no matter how crappy) loads of phat (yes I just said phat) books. Even though they have the last books in a series but not that 1st one in that series...weiiirrdddd. Butttt to make up for that they have a teen room and lots of cool programs for teens my age. And they have guitar hero, yes I love guitar hero and read, I'm a nerd. I guess you would like a link to my library, well here it is HAH YOU DIDN'T THINK I'D REALLY GIVE YOU MY LOCAL LIBRARY DID JA? Loser, retarded loser....WAIT PLEASE KEEP READING MY BLOG I TAKE IT ALL BACK!!!!

< This is inside my Mom's work! recognize it?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Comedy: Comercials

Ok we all know, and hate, commercials. Now there are funny ones I gotta admit but there's just some crazy ones. Like the 'seductive juice commercial' you know, the one where their like 'the purest raspberry juice you'll ever have, and then they have it pouring into the glass and going everywhere? Well I don't want to buy a mess! That's just silly! And trying to make a seductive woman make me buy juice, well a few problems with that, one: I'm not gay!(or lesbian whatever) and two: I don't want to be seduced by my juice at breakfast. It would be like Hey good morning! did you sleep well, I missed you. Um I just want a drink. A drink of the hottest juice, the juice that only wants you. Um no, I just want a drink of normal juice. Yeah and then I would report the bottle to the cops for corrupting a underage person at breakfast.
And then there's that commercial for huggies. Where the baby is like a fire hydrant, the guy just tries to change his diaper and pee just goes everywhere. Then they say that huggies can prevent even the toughest leaks, so I guess these diapers are made for babies with super power, and super pee. You know huggies and bounty could make a commercial together, they could show that commercial then have the guys girlfriend or someone come in with a roll of bounty, everything would be clean in only one sheet, they could show that little think where they scrub carpet with a wet paper towel and nothing comes off and end with that cute little jingle 'The quilted, quicker, picker uper, Bounty!'

Monday, June 2, 2008


Hey I'm back, I've been pretty busy this weekend and stuff with church, writing my story with my friend, and the dreaded homework, OH AND I WENT TO THE LIBRARY TO HEAR THE 1ST CHAPTER OF BREAKING DAWN AND TO SEE THE COVER!! That was fun :). I guess I gotta tell you about this crap sooooo HERE I GO!
Well first off, My and my friends story:
We'll me and my friend love to write stories together, we write one chapter then let the other write their chapter and so on. Well first we wrote a ZZ (zimzode) about stuff (link: )Now we are working on a story that is bashed about 50-60 years from now, but it's not all like super sci-fi crap, more like a normal mystery, but yeah, I tend to procrastinate on my chapter writing and I got sick of procrastinating and wrote my chappie! Well it was the most involved thing I think I ever wrote, it was so much fun but a lot of work. I just finished it like 5 min. ago and I am very proud of my work :) And I have been getting good comments on my own writing on fanlib (link: ) I'm a proud poet
(No, y'see, the trouble with poet is 'Ow do you know it's deceased?) Breaking Dawn: For you HERMITS who haven't heard that the first chapter of breaking dawn is out, or the cover, I shall lend you a hand, IT FREKIN IS!!! (link to stephanie meyers website: )
oops im wrong the 1st chapter isn't on their page, but If you get the Eclipse special edition its at the back of the book!
Well today was a train wreck of a day. For one, I had to see the most loathed girl in my mind once again, but thats a given. Our class BOMBED the Final competition so now I have to take the Final test when I knew EVERY ANSWER! We I am stuck with weird people in my TechEd group. My friend wont be here Thursday to help me with my science. The best person in the world was pretty distance today. And finally, we have to watch stupid Shrek (hate that movie) in French. I guess the funniest thing today was when I was walking to study lab and Matt hit me on the back and then started making a heart saying he loved me? And my bestie friend! (ok that was gay) was saying cut up the land to die, go across the street blah blah blah (that wrist thing) yeah and then we weant to class...
I guess that's pretty much it, I hope my life doesn't bore you to tears!

Breaking Dawn Cover: YAY!

Talk to me